Author / Artist
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Welcome to my website!
Hiya! I'm Chestnutscoop, and I'm a multidisciplinary artist based in Yorkshire in the UK. I create art in the mediums of 3D rendering, 3D modelling and effect creation (specialising in MMD), poetry, photography, web development, blogging and academic-style journalling.
In real life, I am pursuing a career in academia, specifically Early Modern Theatre. I love anything and everything Shakespeare and the Tudor period. I tutor English Literature and Theatre on the side, and I am currently studying a Masters Degree in the Early Modern Period.
I am incredibly passionate about accessibility within the arts. As a working-class, disabled person from the north of England, I have faced barriers and pushback pursuing a career in the arts, humanities and academia. I began as an MMD artist at 12 years old, and I was able to thrive in it due to the non-commercial and sharing tendencies of the community. Since then, I strive to make as much of my art as possible available to the public, free of charge. I also allow my work to be reproduced and transformed, and apply a few as possible copyright clauses to my work.
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